Remote participation in the 5th Comunicación y

Pensamiento conference, (Sevilla, Spain)

(Photo from:

The V Congreso Internacional Comunicación y Pensamiento was organised by the Spanish R&D Project “JUVEN-TV: Nuevos consumos frente a viejos estereotipos: Análisis de la recepción por parte de la juventud española de sus representaciones televisivas actuales” (CSO2017-85483-R), with researchers from the Universities of Málaga, Sevilla and Granada (Spain).

The conference was organised for April 1-3rd but due to the circumstances regarding COVID-19, it has become an online conference. The UAB team lead by Estel·la Oncins gave a presentation dealing with accessibility issues in H2020 projects, giving examples from TRACTION. This project has adopted a policy towards using open source technology when available. To this aim it will sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the recently finished H2020 ImAc towards adopting and further developing the 360º media player. The ImAc Player fulfils both accessibility in itself, and offers media content with added accessibility features and services. The project will also re-use and repurpose media content recorded at Liceu Opera House which was also recorded for the ImAc project.

The UAB presentation can be consulted here: